Tentang Kami
selamat datang di blog kami yang sederhana. kami adalah perusahaan dengan bidang teh herbal. produk unggulan kami adalah teh kulit manggis dan daun sirsak. masing masing mempunyai pangsa pasar yang cukup besar di nusantara.
About Us
Thank you for spending your time to visit my simple blog. We sell a wide range of herbal tea products. Actually not only herbal tea product we sell but also herbal soap made of etawa goat milk.
In this industry we all have faced strict activities and the super tight schedule so we often forget healthy life. In our blog, we offer a healthy solution for everyone who like herbal and stay health.
All our products are made ??from natural ingredients and we don't use chemical substance at all so it is totally safe for our body. Some of our products have been registered in the BPOM and
all product has passed permission from the health department by form of P-IRT so that consumers will not have to doubt the authenticity of our herbal products.
Alhamdulillah now our products are well known by the public and has sold over 2400 boxes in Indonesia and other country. We open up business opportunities to become a reseller for all people in this world with a friendly price.
So do not hesitate to buy our product.
Salam Herbal,
In this industry we all have faced strict activities and the super tight schedule so we often forget healthy life. In our blog, we offer a healthy solution for everyone who like herbal and stay health.
All our products are made ??from natural ingredients and we don't use chemical substance at all so it is totally safe for our body. Some of our products have been registered in the BPOM and
all product has passed permission from the health department by form of P-IRT so that consumers will not have to doubt the authenticity of our herbal products.
Alhamdulillah now our products are well known by the public and has sold over 2400 boxes in Indonesia and other country. We open up business opportunities to become a reseller for all people in this world with a friendly price.
So do not hesitate to buy our product.
Salam Herbal,
Minggu, 22 April 2012
Bagaimana cara untuk menyehatkan GINJAL kita...???baca yuuuk
Ginjal memiliki peran begitu penting bagi tubuh.
Jika ginjal rusak, ia tidak akan mampu menghasilkan darah yang bersih untuk tubuh Anda. Selain itu, ginjal juga menjaga arteri agar tetap berfungsi dengan baik. Berikut ini tips agar ginjal Anda tetap sehat dan dapat berfungsi secara optimal menurut Health.com
• Banyak minum air putih
Masalah pada ginjal akan meningkat sebanyak 20 persen apabila kita mengalami dehidrasi. Oleh karena itu, perbanyaklah minum air putih. Bawalah selalu botol berisi air minum agar kebutuhan cairan tubuh terpenuhi dengan baik.
• Konsumsi yoghurt dan susu
Yoghurt dan susu ternyata dapat menjaga tekanan darah. Kalsium yang terdapat dalam yoghurt dan susu dapat menurunkan risiko naiknya tekanan darah hingga 25 persen
• Kurangi garam
Konsumsi garam dapat meningkatkan risiko batu ginjal, karena garam justru dapat mendorong kalsium ke ginjal. Hal ini akan sangat berisiko apalagi bila Anda cukup sering mengonsumsi makanan asin.
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